How to Strategically Tell Your Boss You’re Feeling Overwhelmed at Work

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How to Strategically Tell Your Boss You’re Feeling Overwhelmed at Work

Although it can be intimidating to speak with your boss about feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to be honest about what you are experiencing. And if you think about what you want to say ahead of time, you’ll be able to voice your concerns without appearing lazy or unmotivated. After all, employers want their staff to feel valued and appreciated, and more will open to honest discussion.   

The bottom line? 

Don’t be afraid to approach your boss. Know your worth and your abilities, and advocate for yourself.  

Prior to taking the plunge, however, here are 4 things to keep in mind: 

1. Develop an Action Plan 

Prepare for the meetingSchedule the conversation for a time when you will both be able to focus on the issue at handDon’t attempt to have an impromptu conversation, and be sure to keep any negative feelings at-bay. 

2. Offer Solutions

Pinpoint what is making you feel overwhelmed, and come up with actual solutions that you can discuss. Here are a few ideas to get you started: 

    • Problem: You don’t have the skill set for the required work.  

Solution: Ask for more training.  

    • Problem: You have more work than one person can handle.  

Solution: Suggest creating a team to share the workload.  

    • Problem: You don’t have adequate resources.  
    • Solution: Make a list of exactly what you need in order to accomplish the tasks at hand 

3. Focus on Specifics 

At times, it may seem like your entire job is overwhelming, but in reality, it’s most likely just one or two aspects of your job that are frustrating you. Avoid making generalizations, and instead focus on the root causeof your distress.  

4. Be Ready to Move Forward 

Help your employer understand that by lightening your workload, you’ll be free to focus on the most important tasks. Don’t dwell on the difficulties you have faced, or how frustrated you are. Find an agreeable solution and commit to moving forward.  

Call Our Team for Next Steps 

If you need more tips on how to find confidence in the workplace, or you need someone to assist you in finding the next step in your career, let the staffing services specialists atTop Notch Personnelbe your guides. Contact our offices at 316-425-4501 to learn how we can help point you in the right direction.   

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