National Safety Month: 10 Tips for Assembly Line Workers

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National Safety Month: 10 Tips for Assembly Line Workers

June is National Safety Month. Often, employees put the burden of workplace safety on the shoulders of employers. However, in any work environment, both companies and workers need to do their part. As an assembly line worker, there are simple things you can do that make a big difference. If you want to create a safer environment for yourself and your coworkers, here are ten tips that can help.

1. Wear Your PPE

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is required for a reason; it keeps you protected against hazards found in your workplace. Make sure you always don PPE that your employer requires. Additionally, if you feel some additions can improve safety, consider investing in them.

2. Dress Appropriately

Along with wearing PPE, you want to make sure your attire is chosen with safety in mind. For example, long sleeve shirts can protect your arms, but you want to make sure the sleeves aren’t overly tight or loose. Tight sleeves may restrict movement, while loose ones could get caught in machinery.

Opting for natural fibers is also wise. Along with keeping you warm, they’re breathable, ensuring you have an easier time staying dry.

3. Pay Attention During Training

Training is typically in any manufacturing environment. However, it only provides you with value if you pay attention. Regardless of how engaging the experience is, work to stay focused. That way, you can gather valuable information that can help you stay safe on the job.

4. If You Don’t Know, Ask

If you’re asked to do a new task, and you’re unsure about how to do it safely, ask for guidance. It’s always best to reach out than to risk choosing the improper approach, particularly if a misstep could cause an injury.

5. Report Hazards You Spot

Often, employees have far more opportunities to spot hazardous conditions than managers. Since that’s the case, mention any potential dangers you encounter as soon as you identify them. That ensures your employer can take corrective action promptly.

6. Practice Situational Awareness

While staying focused on the task at hand is vital, so is practicing situational awareness. By ensuring you know what’s happening around you, you can time actions or adjust your approach to avoid hazards that may develop due to the activity of others in the workplace, preventing accidents.

7. Embrace Good Ergonomics

In many assembly line positions, the tasks you handle are repetitive. If you sacrifice good posture and body positioning, you’re increasing your odds of an injury. Make sure you practice good ergonomics throughout your shift, making it easier to care for your body at work.

8. Take Your Breaks

While it might be tempting to work through a break or lunch to boost your productivity, it can backfire. You aren’t giving yourself a chance to rest. That can lead to concentration issues and trouble using proper techniques, both of which can lead to injuries.

9. Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration keeps your body functioning correctly. Since assembly line jobs are physical, it’s critical to replenish your body throughout the day. If you can, bring a water bottle to your workstation. If not, make sure to sip water whenever the opportunity arises.

10. Know When to Leave

Even if you’re adamant about safety, your employer or colleagues may view the situation differently. If you’re in an environment that doesn’t make safety a priority or is outright negligent, finding a new position could be essential. That lets you get out of a dangerous situation, ensuring your ongoing health.

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